Tip: Set a player as tacet for a movement
- In Setup mode, select the player who should be tacet.
- Uncheck the flow the player is not present in.
- The tacet is created automatically.
- The player is also removed from the flow in the full score.
Tip: Rhythmic grid resolution
- The rhythmic grid is used for many operations across Dorico.
- Moving the caret with the arrow keys; moving notes; lengthening or shortening items; precise System Track selections.
- The default resolution for the rhythmic grid is an eighth note.
- This can be changed via the popup control; or the key commands Alt+[ or ].
- Now items move by the new grid resolution value.
- You can also set key commands or Jump Bar aliases for specific grid resolutions.
Tip: Print or export a range of flows
- Sometimes, when working on projects with more than one flow, it can be useful print or export specific flows for collaboration or proofreading purposes.
- In Print mode, there is an option to set the Print range to flows, where you can specify which flows you want to print or export.
- Dorico will print or export the complete pages containing the flows you selected.
Tip: Remove page overrides to fix layout issues
- Editing text frames directly locks page layout in place.
- This can lead to layout issues if the music changes.
- Reset Page Overrides in Pro using the Pages panel, and using the menu command in Elements.
- Set Project and Flow Titles using the Project Info dialog.
- Now the layout responds to changes in the music.
Tip: Set a Stop position for Insert mode
- When using Insert mode, you should be aware that later music can be affected.
- Setting the Stop position means music beyond that point is not affected by Insert mode edits.
- Use the System Track to show and hide the Stop position, or use the key command Shift+Alt+I.
- You can also drag the Stop position to a new location, or drag it off the music to remove.