Tip: How to get great results with MIDI recording


  1. First, set your default quantization settings in Preferences, under the Play category.
  2. Choose a quantization unit that matches the duration of the shortest notes you are intending to record. If you will be playing a passage with several tuplets then switch on Detect tuplets, otherwise leave that option unchecked.
  3. Try using Fill gaps which can return better results when using a natural playing style, as Dorico will fill in the gaps sometimes left between notes.
  4. If there are portions of the recording that would benefit from different quantization options, simply select those notes and choose Edit > Requantize and choose the relevant settings.
  5. You can apply Requantize at any time, as many times as you need.

Tip: Create a list of all players using a token


  1. Switch to Engrave mode and insert a new page. By leaving ‘Use master page’ set to None, the new page will be blank.
  2. Switch to Frame editing in the left toolbar and insert a new text frame on your blank page.
  3. Input your text, using the token {@playerList@} to create a list of all players in your project.
  4. Use the text format controls to set the desired appearance of your text.
  5. Press Ctrl/Cmd+Return or click outside the text frame to exit text editing and view your list of players.

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