Tip: Create advanced time signatures with the popover


  1. Additive time signatures show how bars are subdivided into beat groups. You can show beat group numerators for any type of time signature. For example, instead of 7/8, you could show an additive time signature of 2+3+2/8.
  2. An alternating time signature indicates a regular pattern that switches every bar between two or more time signatures, in the indicated order. For example, for a phrase with twelve eighth notes that needs to be emphasized 3+3+2+2+2, an alternating time signature of 6/8+3/4 might allow the two meters to be read more clearly.
  3. An aggregate time signature shows two or more meters within the same bar, such as 2/4+3/8+5/4. Dorico Pro automatically shows dashed barlines to indicate the divisions between the different meters, but you can also specify that you do not want to show dashed barlines when you input aggregate time signatures with the popover.
  4. An interchangeable time signature indicates a set of time signatures at the start of the piece that can be used during the piece, such as 3/4–2/4. Unlike alternating time signatures, interchangeable time signatures do not require a fixed pattern; any bar in the piece can follow any of the time signatures in the set without having to restate the time signature. You must manually input the appropriate time signatures where you want them, as unlike alternating time signatures, there is no fixed pattern for them. Any time signatures you input that are specified in the interchangeable time signature are hidden automatically.

Tip: Create multiple items with the mouse


  1. By default, when you have created an item using the mouse, the pointer is cleared so you can continue with your work.
  2. Sometimes it can be useful to be able to create multiple items of the same type immediately after one and other without having to click the item in the music palette each time.
  3. There is a preference that allows you to do this in Dorico, found on the Note Input and Editing page. Check the option to ‘Allow multiple items to be created with the mouse’ to enable it.
  4. Now when you click to create an item in the music, your mouse pointer is reloaded with another item of the same type, so you can click to add that item at multiple locations across your score.
  5. This is available with many different types of music item, from dynamics to ornaments, playing techniques to barlines, and so on.

Tip: Format bar numbers for orchestral scores


  1. Start by modifying the Paragraph Style for bar numbers. Check you are using the style for the score, and not for the parts.
  2. Then use Layout Options to position the bar numbers in the score layout.
  3. You can choose the frequency of bar numbers, whether to show them in the centre of the bar, and you can also display them in an enclosure, such as a circle or rectangle.
  4. You can choose to display bar numbers at the top and/or bottom of the system, but also above any instrument.

Tip: Paste copied music into a new voice


  1. It’s easy to paste music into either an existing voice or a new voice.
  2. Copy the music in the usual way.
  3. Select a note, rest or other music item at the rhythmic position you would like the pasted music to start.
  4. Right-click and choose Paste Special, Paste Into Voice, and then either choose and existing voice, or a new voice.
  5. When choosing a new voice, you can specify whether the voice being created for the music will be nominally up-stem or down-stem. You can also choose to paste the music into a new slashed voice.

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