Tip: Create new default layouts for missing parts


  1. Dorico creates part layouts for every player by default.
  2. Sometimes, layouts might be deleted by mistake, meaning they no longer show in the layout selector or the Layouts panel.
  3. Fix this by opening the Setup menu and choosing Create Default Part Layouts.
  4. This will create new copies of any missing instrumental parts that can be dragged to their preferred position, and be found in the layout selector once more.

Tip: Double or halve durations of selected notes


    1. Quickly double or halve note durations for selected music.
    2. Use the Write > Edit Duration menu items to double or halve the note durations instantly.
    3. With Insert mode enabled, lengthened notes will not overwrite each other, and no gaps will be left between shortened notes.
    4. Add your key commands to make these functions even more accessible.

Tip: Rename VST endpoints to make them easier to identify


  1. When you have several similarly-named endpoints in the VST Instruments panel (or indeed in the MIDI Instruments panel), it can be difficult to tell which ones relate to which track or Dorico instrument..
  2. The Endpoint Setup dialog allows you to set a name for each endpoint so that you can more easily tell which one is which..

Tip: Set condensed music to display using two voices


  1. Dorico will condense aligned music from different staves, aiming to write it as notes on just one stem where possible.
  2. Where the rhythms differ, Dorico must then write the music using two voices.
  3. By default, music can switch between being written in one or two voices within a phrase. However, sometimes it may be clearer or more desirable to always use two voices.
  4. The Prevent amalgamation option in Notation Options prevents Dorico from switching between using one and two voices within a phrase. With it set, if a phrase has any notes that must be written using two voices, the whole phrase uses two voices. However, other compatible phrases may still condense down to one stem.
  5. If you would like a layout to condense always using two voices, insert a Condensing change from the Engrave menu, setting up manual condensing for each condensing group of instruments required.

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