A new feature in Dorico 3.5 lets you see an instant print preview of your music. Hide all non-printing items while you hold down the backslash key on Windows ( \ ) or backtick key... In Engrave mode, add a Master Page Set and give it a name. Make your new Master Page Set the Current set and double-click the page pairs to edit them. Create new page pairs if... There is no requirement to use time signatures or meter, simply input your music without worrying about bars or barlines. Force accidentals to be shown or hidden. Hide stems to show only... Add a new flow of music for every question in your worksheet. Input the music you will use in your worksheet, however you can always add further questions later on if required. Use... Dorico uses musical rules to determine how durations are notated. These depend on things like meter and context, and can be set in Notation Options. You can override these settings for...