Development diary, part nine

Development diary, part nine

As the year draws to a close, thoughts naturally turn to the events of the past twelve months, and indeed to the promise of the year ahead. For us, the past year represents a lot of forward progress on our project, but the year ahead will bring more milestones on the...

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Development diary, part eight

Development diary, part eight

As summer gives way to autumn here in London, it's time for another update on our progress. As the photo above shows, there is great satisfaction to be gained from lining things up just so. In this post, I'm going to discuss two of the areas in which we have expended...

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Development diary, part seven

Development diary, part seven

It's been almost three months since the last instalment in this series, so it's high time for another update on our progress. In this update, as promised I will share some information about our music font, Bravura, and the project we have been leading to standardise...

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Development diary, part six

Development diary, part six

In the last update, we started discussing some of the individual engines that are under development to handle atomic notation and engraving tasks, and I described the engines for note and rest grouping, and positioning rests in multiple voices. Let's take a look at...

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Development diary, part the fifth

Development diary, part the fifth

All of a sudden, over the past week I have received lots of requests for an update on our progress, so here we go. My last update was at the start of November, on the occasion of the first anniversary of our team joining Steinberg. This new update comes more or less...

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Watch Daniel on The Audio Podcast #104 Today I had the pleasure of being interviewed by Scott, Adam and Samuel of The Audio Podcast about our in-development scoring application. We discuss why we need another scoring application, what benefits a Lua plug-in API...

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Development diary, part four

Development diary, part four

One year ago today, my colleagues and I began work on our new scoring application in our new home at Steinberg. To mark this anniversary, I thought I would bring you right up to date with our progress. My last update took us up to the end of July, so there are three...

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Development diary, part three

Development diary, part three

In my last post, I started to bring you up to date on our progress over the past few months, and today I'm going to continue the story. You have probably by now come to expect a fair amount of nerdy detail, and hopefully I won't disappoint. The image above is a...

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Development diary, part two

Development diary, part two

It's been four months since I last provided an update on our progress in building our new scoring application, so I thought it was about time to lift the curtain a little bit and give you some idea about what we've been working on. Warning: this post is pretty nerdy,...

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Hear Daniel on the SoundNotion podcast David MacDonald, Patrick Gullo, Nate Bliton and Sam Merciers were kind enough to invite me to appear on the SoundNotion podcast this week, and I had a great time chatting with them about the work we're doing on our new...

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