When you record music in real-time using Dorico, it is quantised based on your preferences. Playing naturally can result in gaps between some notes, especially when using a sustain pedal.... Dorico spaces your music for you automatically. On occasion, you may wish to force the final system to be justified. Open Layout Options (by pressing Ctrl/Cmd+Shift+L), choose the Note... Dorico creates part layouts for every player by default. Sometimes, layouts might be deleted by mistake, meaning they no longer show in the layout selector or the Layouts panel. Fix... Quickly double or halve note durations for selected music. Use the Write > Edit Duration menu items to double or halve the note durations instantly. With Insert mode enabled,... When you have several similarly-named endpoints in the VST Instruments panel (or indeed in the MIDI Instruments panel), it can be difficult to tell which ones relate to which track or... Dorico will condense aligned music from different staves, aiming to write it as notes on just one stem where possible. Where the rhythms differ, Dorico must then write the music using...