At Steinberg we are proud to support initiatives that promote innovation in the field of music. It’s been almost a year since we established a new partnership with UKRI Centre for Doctoral Training in Artificial Intelligence and Music (AIM) – a leading PhD research...
Viele tausend Musiker, die Dorico heute verwenden, haben mit einem anderen Musiknotationsprogramm begonnen. Es gibt viele weitere Musiker, die Dorico gerne ausprobieren möchten, sich aber Gedanken über den Umstieg machen, weil es zu kompliziert oder zu zeitaufwändig...
Many of the thousands of musicians who are using Dorico today started out with a different music notation program. There are many thousands more who are interested in trying Dorico but are worried about making the switch, because they are afraid it will be too...
We are delighted to announce the immediate availability of Dorico 3.5, a brand new version of our professional music notation software packed with new features. Dorico 3.5 brings major workflow improvements, new and improved notations, enhanced tools for playback, and...
The best way those of us who are not working on the front lines in the fight against the global coronavirus pandemic can help our fellow citizens is to follow the advice of our countries’ governments and the World Health Organisation: stay at home, keep your...
We at Steinberg are proud to support the work of Sound and Music and the Purcell School. Sound and Music is the UK’s national charity for music, and works to promote new music and new composers around the whole country. The Purcell School is Britain’s...