Hiding playing technique can be useful when they are needed for playback, but don’t want to see them in the score. Select the playing technique, then open the Properties panel and... Select some notes Press the Tuplets button in the toolbox to turn them into triplets. Alternatively, press ; to open the popover and then enter a tuplet ratio of your... Create some text and make sure it is selected. Open the Properties panel and enable the Border property. In Engrave mode there is an additional property to control the thickness of the... Select the dynamic, playing technique or text item. Switch to Engrave mode. Open the Properties panel at the bottom of the window (you can use the key command Ctrl/Cmd+8). Enable the... Switch to Engrave mode. Select the slur you wish to edit and its handle will become visible. Dragging one of the end handles will move only that point. However, if you hold down Alt while you...