Enable chord diagrams by switching to Setup mode, right-clicking a player and choosing Chord Diagrams, selecting the tuning that you want to show. Chord diagrams show beneath chord... With note input enabled, press Shift along with the up/down arrow keys to extend the caret onto adjacent staves. Now, when you enter notes, they will be created on all staves the caret... Easily edit the paragraph style used for all staff labels, using Engrave > Paragraph Styles. To edit the text and/or style for an individual staff label, switch to Setup mode and... In Dorico, it is easy to create time signatures and key signatures on just a single staff, by holding down the Alt key during input. To input a time signature on a... Dynamics created together are grouped automatically. Dynamics grouped or linked to a selected dynamic are coloured blue. Grouped dynamics stay aligned in a row and can be edited...