Create some text and make sure it is selected. Open the Properties panel and enable the Border property. In Engrave mode there is an additional property to control the thickness of the... Select the dynamic, playing technique or text item. Switch to Engrave mode. Open the Properties panel at the bottom of the window (you can use the key command Ctrl/Cmd+8). Enable the... Usually adding a dynamic (while not in Note Input) is as simple as selecting a note at the point you would like the dynamic and choosing it from the dynamics panel, or using the... Input a pedal line. Select a note at the rhythmic position that would like the pedal retake to occur. Type Shift+P to open the playing techniques popover. Enter ^ into the popover to... Make a selection and choose Edit > Copy or press Ctrl/Cmd+C. Engage Chord mode by clicking the button in the toolbox or using the key command Q. Make a selection at the point where... Delete a tuplet number or bracket to leave the notes behind, unscaling them. Remember to engage Insert mode if you want to push out any existing subsequent...