Remove empty bars at the end of a flow by using Write > Trim Flow. You can also use the Bars and Barlines popover (Shift+B) by typing... Some instruments use a different clef in concert pitch score layouts to the one used in transposed pitch instrument part layouts. If you need to change clef in one layout, you... Copy text from text frames, existing lyric lines, or even other applications and easily paste them as new lyrics lines using the Lyrics popover (Shift+L). Each word or syllable will be... Sometimes, when working on a complex project, some of your instrumental parts might end up being repurposed ore removed. In Setup mode, there is a menu item in the Setup... By default, poco and molto text is positioned next to hairpins. Change this in Engraving Options by setting an option found on the Dynamics page, under Gradual Dynamics. You... Selecting any tied note selects the entire tie chain, meaning dynamics and other items are created at the start of the tie chain. You are able to drag the dynamic to the desired...