Nacho Gonzalez Nappa is an award-winning composer and producer focusing on composing music for film and video games. Among his recent scores is Queering, a film nominated for the prestigious South by Southwest (SXSW) Film Festival, Kingdom Rush Vengeance, one of the...
Luke Corradine is an award winning film composer as well as the co-founder of Fizz-e-Motion, an international film distribution company. In addition to his successful career in film composition, Luke plays a pivotal role in managing the publishing and scoring...
Alessandro Grego is an Italian composer who recently won the Penderecki Composers’ Competition with his music composition El mar de l’eterno, among a total of 94 scores that were submitted to an international jury by composers from across the globe. In a conversation...
Karina Rivero is a distinguished Mexican composer and music producer. Her most recent work Prevail – which she describes as “an ode to adventure” – was released on November 26, 2023. The impressive work was written for an 84-piece orchestra, choir and...
Michele Galvagno is a professional Music Engraver and a graduated cello/music theory teacher with over twelve years of experience, creating the beautiful scores behind the Artistic Score Engraving label. Among his recent endeavours is the Piatti Opera Omnia – a...
His Dark Materials is a fantasy TV Series produced by BBC One and HBO, based on the trilogy of Philip Pullman’s novels. The music of the series was written by Grammy-award winning Scottish composer Lorne Balfe. In late August this year, there was a medley of it...