“Ode Triomphale” is a musical work written by Augusta Holmès, a French composer of Irish descent. It is noteworthy not only because it was written by a female composer – given that in the 19th century women weren’t expected, or even sometimes permitted, to write...
This post is part of a series that aims to shine a light on projects in which Dorico has played a part. If you have used Dorico for something interesting and would like to be featured in this series, please let me know. Many of British composer Kenneth...
This post is part of a series that aims to shine a light on projects in which Dorico has played a part. If you have used Dorico for something interesting and would like to be featured in this series, please let me know. Northern Ballet is a UK based company best known...
This post is part of a series that aims to shine a light on projects in which Dorico has played a part. If you have used Dorico for something interesting and would like to be featured in this series, please let me know. It might have seemed perverse even two years ago...
This post is part of a series that aims to shine a light on projects in which Dorico has played a part. If you have used Dorico for something interesting and would like to be featured in this series, please let me know. George Mpanga, better known as George the Poet,...
This post is part of a series that aims to shine a light on projects in which Dorico has played a part. If you have used Dorico for something interesting and would like to be featured in this series, please let me know. The guzheng is a Chinese plucked zither that has...