In Print mode choose to export to Graphics. You can set the Destination folder to the directory you would like to save the files to. Click the Filename Options… button to to open... Quickly jump to any bar in the current layout by using Edit > Go To Bar. Use the key command Ctrl+G on Windows and Cmd+G on Mac. You can even jump directly to a specific bar in a different... First, set your default quantization settings in Preferences, under the Play category. Choose a quantization unit that matches the duration of the shortest notes you are intending to... Switch to Engrave mode and insert a new page. By leaving ‘Use master page’ set to None, the new page will be blank. Switch to Frame editing in the left toolbar and insert a new... Flip practically any music item using the new Edit > Flip command. This will flip the direction of items within a staff (e.g. stem directions), and move items outside the staff to the opposite side...