Scoring ‘The Death of Stalin in Concert’: A Conversation with Tommy Pearson
Tommy Pearson is a pioneer in the production of film screenings with live soundtracks and film music concerts. As the founder of Big Screen Live, renowned for its world-class productions in major venues around the globe, Tommy has continuously pushed the boundaries of...
#DoricoSwitchStories Reloaded: Ihre Switch-Story zählt!
Im Anschluss an unsere erfolgreiche #DoricoSwitchStories-Kampagne vor ein paar Jahren, starten wir eine ähnliche Initiative, um noch mehr Musikschaffende zu inspirieren, die über einen Wechsel zu Dorico nachdenken. Wenn Sie auf Dorico umgestiegen sind und Ihre...
#DoricoSwitchStories Reloaded: Your Switch Story Matters!
Following up on our successful #DoricoSwitchStories campaign a couple of years ago, we’re launching a similar initiative to inspire even more musicians considering the leap to Dorico. If you’ve made the switch and want to share your experience, join us in...