1. Fill out information pertaining to your project—including each flow—in the Project Info dialog, found in the File menu, or by pressing the key command Ctrl/Cmd+I from anywhere in the application.
  2. The master pages used by Dorico contain text frames that are filled with various tokens by default, for information such as titles and composer details. When the information has been filled out in the Project Info dialog, these tokens are substituted with your data.
  3. All tokens are available by right-clicking in a text frame. The tokens are arranged by category making it easier to find the ones you need.
  4. Dorico knows which is the current flow and substitutes the correct data for flow-specific tokens, such as flow title.
  5. By including the flow number in certain tokens (for example {@flow3Title@}) you can retrieve the details for specific flows wherever you are in the project. This can prove very useful when building contents or index pages, and so on.
  6. There are useful tokens for page numbers, including for the current page and total page count. You can also specify page numbers and counts for individual flows.
  7. There are various tokens that fill with the current layout name, number, and tokens that specify player names and staff labels. There is even a token to list all players in the layout.
  8. You can even use tokens within the Project Info dialog.
  9. There are shortcut tokens for standard accidentals, for help with building project and flow titles that contain key signatures. However, you can access any musical symbol via a token by using its SMuFL code. Visit https://w3c.github.io/smufl/gitbook/ and search the Glyph Tables. For example using {@U+E050@} will resolve to a treble clef.

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